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The challenge with diversity is that people who look through only one lens, allow that single lens to create an environment that will rule out so many possibilities. The opportunity of inclusion is that one gains more lenses! From a business perspective to increase market place presence, means go after the customer. You cannot go after the "customer" if you’ve not listened to them.


When you look at those who are not the normative and create a focus on them, you end up serving all. You do a disservice to the company when you ignore the needs of those who are marginalized. Institutions of learning are not preparing students for one way of life- you’re preparing them to adapt to any way of life (locally, nationally, and globally) and businesses are losing money by only meeting the needs of the status quo.

Educating people about equality, ethics, and justice human rights empowers them to improve the greater community. Respect and inclusion helps create a more joyful, healthier, and more fair organizational culture, which is better for us all.


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